Most limited partners were around for the last tech cycle, and promised to never again get sucked down the same rabbit hole. 大多数有限责任合伙人都经历了上一个科技周期,并且信誓旦旦地表示,再也不会陷入同样的困境。
This leaves the masses dissatisfied and has led to all the experiences this last cycle that each alive already knows or is aware of. 这造成了大众非常不满,并造成了每个人都正在生活或熟知的、这一最后周期的所有体验。
Errors were encountered during the last delivery cycle. would you still like to send the messages that are in your outbox? 在上一个交付周期内遇到问题。仍要发送“发件箱”中的邮件吗?
Between the peak of the last cycle in the first quarter of 2008 and the bottom of the recession in the second quarter of 2009 national output fell by a cumulative 7 per cent. 在上一个经济周期,从2008年第一季度的顶峰到2009年第二季度的衰退低谷,英国国民产值累计下跌了7%。
JUST as generals always plan to fight the last war, investors usually expect the last cycle to repeat itself. 正如将军们总是想着怎样才能把上一次仗打得更好,投资者也总是希望之前的经济周期能够再次出现。
Or will it follow on from the last cycle, in which the US had the same total of jobs at the end as it had at the start – and in which median income fell? 还是与上个周期一样,在周期结束时,美国就业人数将回到开始时的水平,而收入中值却下降?
In the last tightening cycle, the first rate hike did not occur until June 2004 but Libor began moving higher two full months earlier, he said. 在上一次收紧周期中,第一次加息直到2004年6月才出现,但伦敦同业拆借利率在整整两个月前就开始走高,他说。
"In 2001, in the last distressed cycle, the lesson was to jump in quickly or miss the opportunity," says Steve Kaplan, another of the half-dozen who founded Oaktree six years earlier. “2001年,在上次低迷周期,我们学到的教训是:迅速行动,否则就会错过机会,”6年前创建橡树资本的6位创始人之一史蒂夫卡普兰(stevekaplan)表示。
The mix of fees has changed since the last cycle. 自上一个周期以来,投资银行的服务费收入构成已经发生改变。
For example, if application is doing fine performance wise, then there is no need to squeeze that last processor cycle out for performance sake. 譬如说,如果应用程序已经具备优越的性能,就无需为了性能对处理器周期耗费心机。
And so, in the last cycle of time, Human Consciousness as a Collective made that decision to return together, and so a process of healing and cleansing and re-balancing was under way. 在最近的这一世,人类的集体潜意识决定一起回来,接下来是治愈、净化、重新平衡正进行中的过程。
Yet bankruptcy experts say companies have more out-of-court options today than during the last restructuring cycle, from 2001 to 2003. 但是,破产专家们表示,如今企业进行庭外谈判的选择要多于2001年至2003年的上一个重组周期。
Using the method of window moving in real time, the root mean square value of current of the last cycle was calculated as the criteria for instantaneous overcurrent protection. 用窗口实时移动的思想计算当前时刻以前一周波电流方均根值平方作为瞬动脱扣的判断依据。
Progresses in the Studies of Abrupt Climatic Change Events Recorded in Ice Cores During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle 冰芯记录中末次间冰期-冰期旋回气候突变事件的研究进展
The steam injection pressure in wells treated by mechanical profile control increases by an average of 2-3 MPa compared with last cycle of the same wells, its input& output ratio is 1: 74. 1; 进行机械调剖的井,同本并上周期相比,注汽压力平均提高2~3MPa,投入产出比为1:74.1;
Compared with marine, land and ice core records, this event is a universal abrupt warm event in the transition period of last glacial-interglacial cycle. 鉴于该暖性回返事件在全球其他地区的海洋、陆地、冰芯记录中也有较普遍的反映,我们认为该事件很可能是一次发生于气候转型期的全球普遍存在的暖性突变事件。
The interval from last chemotherapy cycle to the occurrence of thymic hyperplasia was 2-12 months ( mean 4 months). 胸腺增生距离上次化疗结束时间2~12个月,平均4个月。
A warm-return event during the transition of last interglacial-glacial cycle 三门峡王官与武威沙沟黄土记录中的末次间冰期向末次冰期转换期的暖性回返事件
Performance evaluation is a key point in the lifecycle of project management. It is the end of the last cycle and the start of the next one. 绩效评价处于项目管理生命周期中承上启下的关键环节,既是对上一次循环的总结,又是下一个循环的开始。
Min after the last cycle. 最后一个循环完成后,在72℃下延伸7min。
The results show that the final discharge in the last half cycle decided the first breakdown in this half cycle by analyzing the sequence among three current pulses in a half cycle. 实验分析了半周期有三次电流脉冲时放电的时序关系,发现上一个半周期放电的最后一个电流脉冲决定了本半周期第一次击穿的时间。
The theory of real-time and best Synch-sampling can be summed up for three points: ( 1) Sampling time is calculated real-timely by using the last cycle value. 实时最佳同步采样法的原理可归纳为三点:(1)用前一个周期测量(或估计)值实时计算当前采样周期;
A Study of the Highly Unstable Climate in Last Glacial Cycle 末次冰期旋回气候高度不稳定性研究
The repetitive controller based on the theory of internal model produces correction signal based on the control error of the last cycle to eliminate the error in the latter cycle. 重复控制的基本思想是控制理论中的内模原理,根据上一周期的控制误差消除后面各周期性的信号误差。
Predictive current control strategy, by which duty in the current cycle is generated in last cycle, is proposed to solve the problem between the switch frequency and DSP processing speed. 在平均电流控制的基础上提出了改进的预测电流控制策略,在当前周期内所有占空比由预测控制策略在前一个周期内预先产生,解决了开关频率与DSP处理速度之间的矛盾。
The world has experienced a series of rapid changes of centuries to millennium, as well as the last interglacial-glacial cycle of large time scale since The Late Pleistocene. 晚更新世以来,全球经历了末次冰期间冰期气候大尺度气候旋回,同时也发生了一系列百年千年尺度的气候突变事件。
Comparing with the same period in last solar cycle when the solar activity was stronger, number of geomagnetic storms was significantly reduced. 对比上一活动周相同时间段发现,在这段太阳活动极低的时间,地磁暴的数目显著减少。